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This route is the race course for the Danby Down and Dirty Trail Runs, organized by the Finger Lakes Runners Club. The course starts down a dirt road and continues along singletrack trails on the Finger Lakes Trail and Abbott Loop trail. If it’s a clear day, sacrifice a few seconds to enjoy the spectacular multi-county views from the Thatcher Pinnacles before plummeting headlong down a twisty trail! The Finger Lakes Runners Club is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization focused on promoting physical fitness and health through running. Based in Ithaca and drawing members from all over the Finger Lakes region, our club is dedicated to the love of running, as a sport and as a way of life — for fun, for fitness, for camaraderie. We hope you’ll come run with us!

This route is the race course for the Danby Down and Dirty Trail Runs, organized by the Finger Lakes Runners Club. (Please note: The start and finish are slightly different than the course for the FLRC Challenge 10k.) The course comprises about 60% singletrack trails on the Finger Lakes Trail and Abbott Loop and 40% dirt and logging roads. If it’s a clear day, sacrifice a few seconds to enjoy the spectacular multi-county views from the Thatcher Pinnacles halfway through the loop before plummeting headlong down a twisty trail! The Finger Lakes Runners Club is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization focused on promoting physical fitness and health through running. Based in Ithaca and drawing members from all over the Finger Lakes region, our club is dedicated to the love of running, as a sport and as a way of life — for fun, for fitness, for camaraderie. We hope you’ll come run with us!

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