UPDATED 6/11/24 at mile 1.2 due to trail conditions. No significant distance change. Just like the other two loops, the Yellow leaves the Transition Tent and skirts the outside of the Village, with Dillon Lake down the hill on the left. After the Green Loop peels off, the Yellow and Red continue together for another ½ mile before rejoining with Green for a quick sprint across the main park road before Green heads off again and Yellow continues with Red meandering through the trees, getting close enough to glimpse the parking lot and some of camping before heading further into the woods. As Yellow and Red cross over the Green Loop again, they finally split themselves with Yellow continuing straight as Red heads left. As the trees start to part and the Yellow Loop hugs the edge of the field, take a gander to your left and see if you can spot any archers practicing on the targets in the large field. Past the archers, you’ll continue climbing before entering the woods yet again. Just after mile 2.5 is the turning point for the Yellow Loop. From here, the trail swoops and dips for 2 miles, in and out of creek drainages as it makes its way back home, views of the lake breaking through the trees. If your road shoes could see the look on your face, they’d be pretty jealous. The last half mile joins the Green and then Red Loops and then it is all over. You cross under the arch and find yourself next to the bonfire. We won’t tell your road shoes if you don’t either.
UPDATED 6/11/24 at mile 1.2 due to trail conditions. No significant distance change. Just like the other two loops, the Yellow leaves the Transition Tent and skirts the outside of the Village, with Dillon Lake down the hill on the left. After the Green Loop peels off, the Yellow and Red continue together for another ½ mile before rejoining with Green for a quick sprint across the main park road before Green heads off again and Yellow continues with Red meandering through the trees, getting close enough to glimpse the parking lot and some of camping before heading further into the woods. As Yellow and Red cross over the Green Loop again, they finally split themselves with Yellow continuing straight as Red heads left. As the trees start to part and the Yellow Loop hugs the edge of the field, take a gander to your left and see if you can spot any archers practicing on the targets in the large field. Past the archers, you’ll continue climbing before entering the woods yet again. Just after mile 2.5 is the turning point for the Yellow Loop. From here, the trail swoops and dips for 2 miles, in and out of creek drainages as it makes its way back home, views of the lake breaking through the trees. If your road shoes could see the look on your face, they’d be pretty jealous. The last half mile joins the Green and then Red Loops and then it is all over. You cross under the arch and find yourself next to the bonfire. We won’t tell your road shoes if you don’t either.