The 3.4-mile Lansing Center Trail course offers a sense of what classic cross country running is like, with grassy fields and loops. The numerous loops will make your first effort here a bit slow, as you figure out the turns, but Lansing has posted numerous trail maps, and you’re essentially just going around each field loop in succession.
Start at the kiosk by the parking lot off Route 34. For an interactive map with trail names, see
The 3.4-mile Lansing Center Trail course offers a sense of what classic cross country running is like, with grassy fields and loops. The numerous loops will make your first effort here a bit slow, as you figure out the turns, but Lansing has posted numerous trail maps, and you’re essentially just going around each field loop in succession.
Start at the kiosk by the parking lot off Route 34. For an interactive map with trail names, see